Level 61

Governor Phillip Tower

1 Farrer Place

Sydney NSW 2000


T +61 2 9296 2000

F +61 2 9296 3999

30 November 2017

To Company Announcements Officer Australian Securities Exchange

20 Bridge Street

Sydney, New South Wales 2000 Fax: 1300 135 638

Dear Sir/Madam

Notice of change in interest of substantial shareholder - Aurelia Metals Limited (ASX:AMI)

In accordance with the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth), we attach, on behalf of Glencore Australia Holdings Pty Ltd and Singpac Investment Holding Pie Ltd, an ASIC Form 604 (Notice of change in interest of substantial holder) issued by Glencore Australia Holdings Ply Ltd and Singpac Investment Holdings Pte Ltd in relation to the shares in Aurelia Metals Limited (ASX:AMI).

Yours sincerely

Paul Schroder I Partner

j!,tl{tt(l frtkA

King & Wood Mallesons

Level 61, Governor Phillip Tower, 1 Farrer Place, Sydney NSW 2000 T +61 2 9296 2060 I M +61 405 571 923 I F +61 2 9296 3999 I Partner profile

This communication and any attachments are confidential and may be privileged.

ltltl*HIWilill!Ullll!.oltlUJi, J!•lflll, llllillll

ll.:!: I lllfl Iitlld ,i,11

Member firm of the King & Wood Mal!esons network. See for more information Asia Pacific I Europe I North America I Middle East

glencore ssn aurelia - cover letter - 29 november 2017

Form 604

Corporations Act 2001

Section 6718

Notice of change of interests of substantial holder

ToCompany Name/Scheme Aureffa Metal, LlmHetl


1.Delallo ofsubstanllal holder(1)

108 476 381

Name Glenoore A1J,1traia Holdings Pty Ltd, Singpac Investment Hoklings Pte Lilnttetl, Glenoore Finance (Bennuda) Ltd, Glencore

l nlemat!onal AG and Glencore pie

ACN/ARSN (iapplicable) -"N"I '-

Therewas a change Inthe Interests or the


S1Jbslanlial holder on


The previous notice was given to the company on

23106 / 2015

The previous notice was doled

23/ 06 / 2015

  1. Previous and present voting power

    Toe lotal number olvoles allached to all the voUng shares In the company or voting interests in the scheme that the substantial holder or an associate (2)

    hed a relevant Interest (3) Inwhen last required, and when now required, to give a subslantial holding noUca to the company or scheme, are as follows:

    Class of securities (4)

    Previous notice

    Piesent nollce


    Voting pawer (51

    Pe1SOO's votes

    Voting power (5)

    Fully paid ordlnaiy shares





  2. Changes In relevant interests

Partlcula,s or each change In, or change In the nature or, a relevantinterest or the subslantial llolder or an associate In voting ,.cun1ies of the company or scheme. since the substantial holder was last requlmd to give a subslantial hokllng nouca to the oompany or schema are as follows:

Date of change

Pel'$0n whose relevant Interest changed

Nature of change (6)

Consideration given in relation to change(n

Class and number of

soounfies affected

Person's votes affeoted


Fabruary 2017

Glenoore Australia Holdings Ply Ltd

Issue of fully paid

ordinaryshares Glencore Australia Holdings Pty Ltd pursuant to antkflluta

and top.up righls granted to Gle!loore under the subscription agreement dated 11February 2013, as amendad and restated on 1B December 2015.


2,867,000 ful

paid ordinary






Glencore Australia Holdings Ply Lid

Dilution of Issueof fUI paid ordinaiy shares by the Company to instilut!onat and pnofesslonel lnveslots under the fitst tranche of


104.000,000 ful

paid ordinary



aMounced on 21

I the placement

November 2017.

4. ?resent relevant interests

Particulars of each relevant interest ol lhe substantial hotler in voting securilies after the change am as follows:

Holder of relevant interest

Registered holder of serurities

Person enlilled to be mgistered as hotler (8)

Natum or relevant interest (6)

Ctassand number of securities

Person's votes



Glencore AustraHa

Glenoom Australia

Glencom Austrana



Holding, Ply Lid and

Hotlings Ply Lidand

Holdings Ply Lidha, a

Holdings Ply

Singpac Investment

Singpac Investment

mlevant Interest under

Lid, Singpec

Hotllngs Pie Limiled

Holdings Pie Limited

section 608(1Xa) of the


c.tporatiofl$ Act 1001

Holdings Pie Limited,

(Clh) as It is the regislered holder of the

Glencore Finance






AG and

Gtencore nk,

5. Changes In association

The pem>ns wllo have become associates (2) of, ceased to be associates or. or have changed the nature of their association (9)with. the substantial holder In relation to votil'!J interests In the company or scheme are a, follows:

Name and ACNIARSN (applicable)

Nature of QSDciation

Glencore Australia Holdings Ply Lid, Singpac lnvaslment Holdings Pie Umlted, Glencom Finance

{Bsrmuda) Lid. Glencore lntemauona1 AG and Glenoore pie

Bodies corporate that control Glenoore Australia Holdings Ply Lidor are associates pu,suenl lo the c.tporaUons Acl 2001 (Clh).

6. Addresses

The addresses of pelSOns named In this fonn are as follows:

Name Addll!5S

Glencore Australia Holdings Ply Lid Level 44, 1Macquarie Place. Sydney, NSW 2000

Singpac Investment Holdings Pie Umfted 1Tomasek Avenue, #34-01 Milennla Tower Sil9apore (03919

Glencore Finance (Bennuda) Lid Victoria street 22, Hamllton, Bermuda Glenoore lntemational AG and Glencore pie Baarmattsltasse 2, CH-6341 Baar. Swltwland


  1. If there are a number of substantial holdi!rs with simlar or related relevant interests (es a corporation and its related corporations, OT the manager and truotee or anequity trust), the names could be Included in anannaxure to lheform. If the relevant interests of agroup of persons are essenUal similar, they may be referred ID throughout the form as a speIs clearly set out In paragraph 6 of the form.

  2. See the deunition of "associate" in se

  3. Sea Ille deunition of "relevant interesf in sections 608 and 6718(7) of Uie Corporations Act 2001.

  1. The voting shares or a compeny constitute one Glass unless divided into separate classes.

  2. The peraoo's voles dMded by the total voles in the body corporate or scheme multiplied by 100.

  1. lndude di!taiis of:

  2. any relevant agreement or other ciroumstances because ofwhich Ute change In relevant interest occurred. It subsectn 6718(4) applies, a copy or any document setting out Ute terms olany relevent agreement, and a sletement by the person giving full and accurate details of any contract, scheme or arrangement, must accompany this form, together will>a written statement cemfylng this contract, scheme or arrangement: and

  3. any quafification of Ute power of a person 10 exercise, control Ute exercise of, OT Influence the exercise ol.Ute vofing powers or disposal of the securities 10 which the ralevant Interest relates Ondicating deany the particular securities towhich the quelffication applies).

    Sea the definition of 'ielevant agreemenr Insection 9 of the Corporations Act 2001.

  4. Delai of the consideration must lndUde any and au benefits, money and other, that any person fmm whom a relevantInterest was acquired has,or may, become enUUedto receive in 10lation to that acquislion. Detalsmust be induded even K the benefn;,conditional onthe happening or not of a contingency. Details must be induded of any benefn paid on behalf ol the substantial holder or ils associate in IOlaUon lo the acquisitions, even K they are not paid direoUy to the person from whom the relevant inteiest was acquired.

  5. Ifthe substarrUal holder isunable todetermine Ute Identity of the person (eg ff the relevantintemst arises because olanoption) write 'unknown·.

  6. Give delails, if appmpriate, of the present association and any change in !hat association since Ute last substantial holding notice.

Aurelia Metals Ltd. published this content on 30 November 2017 and is solely responsible for the information contained herein.
Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 30 November 2017 03:51:08 UTC.

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